Friday, January 8, 2010

Flying Shuttles

Flying shuttles, 12"

MORE colors happening -- green and brown today, another new color group! I was in sort of a rut the first week with all the blue snowflakes, but now things are beginning to get more interesting. I have all those zip-lock bags full of fabric combos just waiting to jump into action!

This block is already destined to be part of a sampler quilt for March, along with several other green and tan 12-inchers.

As I read what I've written here for the first week, I can see that for me this B-a-D challenge is totally about COLOR, and not at all about perfecting my piecing skills. Also, I'm very much a product-oriented person, rather than a process-oriented one: my brain wants me to be working toward a quilt/a goal (or many, in this case), rather than just going along for the ride. The challenge (in addition to the "unfinished business" thing) is to make all these various blocks work together into real quilts. It's like a giant jigsaw puzzle!


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